Submitted by: Ian G Henderson
It is suggested that we should take at least 1 hour of exercise per day to help keep the body in shape and burn of a couple of calories in the process. Exercise is good for you, not so easy at the start but if you are determined enough you will notice a difference in your wellbeing.
Physical activity could be weight training which goes toward creating healthy bone structure, muscle strength, coordination and balance, also cycling and swimming which is an excellent form of exercise.
All weight exercises are beneficial as I have mentioned, walking, hiking, jogging and believe it or not dancing and walking up stairs even. When you start your exercising you will probably feel some pain in your muscles as they will not have been used in ages, if you do stop exercising leave it for a couple of days till the pain eases then start exercising again.
We don’t need to go to the gym to train if we look around our homes we could improvise the weights etc, all we need is a bit of imagination and willpower to get us motivated into a healthy lifestyle.
Before you attempt any kind of exercise you should always consult your doctor to be on the safe side especially if you have any underlying health problems.
We have to lead a healthy lifestyle to extend the possibility of living longer. We should count the calories in everything we eat.
Cut out processed foods, swap saturated foods for unsaturated. Try to eat gluten-free products as this will also help. We have plenty of healthy foods to choose from instead of the processed foods that are full of salt and sugar.
Salt is blamed for a high percentage of strokes, that is a proven fact so if cut down on the salt and sugar then this is another way to set you on the road to a healthy lifestyle.
Healthy eating should be a priority in the home as an unhealthy diet is one of the major risk factors for a range of chronic diseases, including diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases linked to obesity.
The need to Improve exorcising and dietary habits is not only an individual problem but is also a global problem that needs urgent action by Government body’s to help change the rubbish that food companies dish out to us.
To roundup then as long as we do some kind of exercise to get the blood pumping no matter how you do it just do it and you will see a vast improvement in your well being after not too long.
Eat healthily, as long as you eat plenty Vegetables, fruit and berries, semi or skimmed milk, lean turkey and chicken, oily fish and whole grain bread, and remember to count the calories a combination of these foods and exercise then you will be able to look forward to a long and healthy life.
Remember to always seek medical advice before you undertake any form of weight loss or exercise programs.
About the Author: Ian G HendersonFeel free to visit my web site for more information on all the above.
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