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Submitted by: Steve Alens
At first, the toxin can be discharge when we do some sports. Next, it helps the muscle contraction, accelerate circulation of blood and lymph. Much fat is no good for your health, and the toxin hide in your body.
First of all, sports can help us discharge the toxin. When we join the sport, the temperature of our body will up. This can help us kill the bacilli in our body. While our body fight for bacilli, the protein will be set free and the White Cell will be made. When the skin excretes sweat, the toxin will be excrete at the same time. The toxin will be throwing off when we doing the aerobic exercise.
Doing sports let the muscle contraction, blood and lymph will accelerate circulation. The other way round, if you seat for a long time, the circulation of your body will slow down.
Much fat is no good for your health, and your body will hide the toxin. Sports accelerate metabolism system and burn up calories.
Man need move in his life, our heart also needs sports. If you have a strong heart muscle, the jump speed is not so fast. Although we can’t increase the heart, lung and blood vessel directly, the sports can bring the same effect. The men who do any sport have twice probability to get heart disease.
No matter you are rest or sport, the calorie is both burning. After twelve hours’ sport, the jump speed of metabolism must quicker. The aim of sports is bring the oxygen to cells. Because if there’s no oxygen in the cells, and it will be die. A person who likes sports will get oxygen easier than the lazy man. Lots of people have wrong notion on having much calcium to make bones. As a matter of fact, the bone is the same as muscle, the more sports will bring the strong body. This is the reason of why the tennis players’ arm bones are stronger than the man in the street.
There are six hundred and twenty muscles in our body, if you don’t use the muscle, the muscle will be atrophy. A man will die by occluding artery, only through dredge blood vessel can let the man reborn. It is believed by the scientists that the sports make less cancer. Because of the waste will leave our body quickly with the peristalsis of intestine. You can get a healthy physique during the exercise. If you have gross sexual appetites, sports can control your appetite.
So there are many goods for sports.
Some women worried that their muscles would become stiff. But the fact was that women runners and men runners were the same, their muscles would never become stiff. Leg muscles of women runners would be in good condition even if they did hard exercise.
Weir Mo, who was famous for working for female runners said that some women increased more than forty-four percent of strength, but no muscles increased.
However, there were differences between men and women. Running could not only make you body strong, but also could decrease your blood pressure. Consequently, let’s move on.
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