Submitted by: Tarang Shah
Enjoying motherhood and to become mother is the desire of almost all women across the world. In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is just one of several techniques available to help couples with fertility problems to get pregnant. When you’re trying to conceive through in vitro fertilization (IVF) you’ll probably hear plenty of ideas about what you can do to boost your chances for success. When you’re investing incredible amounts of time, money, and psychological capital into an IVF cycle, it’s understandable that you would want to do everything in your power to make it a success.
IVF involves surgically removing an egg from the woman’s ovaries and fertilising it with sperm in a laboratory. The fertilized egg, or embryo, is then placed back into the woman’s womb to grow and develop into a baby. Many a times surrogate mothers services are used when the mother is not able to carry a child for her own. This process is called as Gestational Surrogacy.
Here in this article an attempt has been made to know the facts that will help one understand what is IVF all about.
1. It was in the United States when IVF was finally conceived in 1981. This medical technique has given hope to millions of couples who wanted to have babies of their own but because of natural circumstances, are unable to do so. However, the first successful procedure was made in England.
2. Today, in vitro fertilization (IVF) is practically a household word. IVF is a method of assisted reproduction in which the man’s sperm and the woman’s egg (oocyte) are combined in a laboratory dish, where fertilization occurs. The resulting embryo is then transferred to the uterus to develop naturally. Usually, two to four embryos are transferred with each cycle. IVF is a complex and expensive procedure and only about 5% of couples with infertility problems go for it. However, since its introduction in the U.S. in 1981, IVF and other similar techniques have resulted in more than 200,000 babies. IVF is now recognized worldwide as a non-surgical and safest infertility treatment.
3. Any embryos that is not used in first IVF attempt can be frozen for later use. This will save you money if you undergo IVF a second or third time. If you do not want your leftover embryos, you may donate them to another infertile couple, or you and your partner can ask the clinic to destroy the embryos.
4. IVF is option with any of the infertility causes such as Endometriosis, Low sperm counts, Problems with the uterus or fallopian tubes, Problems with ovulation, Antibody problems that harm sperm or eggs, The inability of sperm to penetrate or survive in the cervical mucus and An unexplained fertility problem. Actually, the IVF treatment for infertility has several stages: ovulation induction, egg harvesting, insemination and fertilization, and embryo transfer. In some rare cases, you can also select to undergo preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) to check for chromosomal abnormalities.
5. Success rates for IVF depend on a number of factors, including the reason for infertility, where you’re having the procedure done, and your age. Success rates decline sharply with age. For every 100 women treated aged 35 and below, 20 will get pregnant; between 36 and 38 around 15 will get pregnant; and at age 39 around 10 will get pregnant. This is because younger women tend to have healthier eggs. The rate of live births has risen from 14% in 1991 to 30% in 2010. Of the 78% of pregnancies as a result of IVF that result in a live birth, about 50% are singletons, 24% are twins and 5% are triplets or more.
6. The quality of the egg in women diminishes with the age. A woman’s age is a major factor in the success of IVF for any couple. For instance, a woman who is under age 35 and undergoes IVF has a 39.6% chance of having a baby, while a woman over age 40 has an 11.5% chance. However, recently it has been found that the success rate is increasing in every age group as the techniques are refined and doctors become more experienced.
7. The cost of IVF Treatment will vary depending on where you live, the amount of medications you’re required to take, the number of IVF cycles you undergo, and the amount your insurance company will pay toward the procedure. Compared to the UK and USA, IVF treatment is much economical in India, and the quality of the treatment is excellent. This is because doctor s charge very less as compared to the developed western countries. As per international standards, IVF in India is very cost-effective and more and more foreigners are travelling to India for availing ivf treatment.
8. Stress is an important factor in IVF pregnancy. There is a lot of physical and psychological stress that one goes through in the process. This is an expensive process, thus financial stress also plays a major role.
9. Quality of the clinic and its standards is very important. Poor quality clinic with insufficient infrastructure is less likely to result in successful IVF pregnancies. Skill of the physician and his experience play a major role. The doctor has to be extremely efficient and experienced for conducting the IVF process successfully.
10. If a success is required in an ivf cycle one should avoid alcohol and tobacco, medications, lose weight and maintain BMI, avoid caffeine or control its consumption, follow balanced diet and take folic acid supplements. IVF treatment should be started early as the age plays an important role.
In spite of all the hard work and risks involved in the process, the extraordinary invention of Ivf pregnancy is simply a blessing for people who are unable to conceive through the natural method. If you are below an age of 35 and unable to conceive pregnancy, then you can try IVF for your infertility problem. The cost of IVF is moderate. With IVF, you can give birth to a healthy baby and it is estimated that about 63 percent are single babies, 32 percent are twins and 5% are triplets or more. The in vitro fertilization technique for infertility issue is safe. With IVF, there is less possibility of undergoing surgery. It is also estimated that IVF technique has lessen the rate of surgeries by half.
The end result that an IVF may bring to a couple is very rewarding. In vitro fertilization has no down side. While several complained of fatigue, dizziness and having abdominal cramps, these are only normal and could last for two days at most. Getting enough rest and engaging in less stressful activities can increase the success rate of an in vitro fertilization procedure. In spite of all the hard work and risks involved in the process, the extraordinary invention of Ivf pregnancy is simply a blessing for people who are unable to conceive through the natural method.
For more on IVF treatment options like Infertility Surgery,Operative Laparoscopy,Diagnostic laparoscopy,
Hysteroscopy,Tubal blockage,Endometriosis,Menstrual issues,Problems with ovulation,polycystic ovarian disease when trying to start a family contact the IVF Infertility specialist doctors India, Male infertility,Doctors and specialist in male and female infertility from India.
Contact for Affordable IVF Infertility Surgery,IVF Treatment, Infertility Clinic India,IVF Clinic Mumbai,India,Rotunda Fertility Clinic at Phone: +91 22 26390044 or +91 22 26390088 or at http://www.rotunda.co.in o
http://rotundablue.wordpress.com or http://www.iwannagetpregnant.com or rotunda.fertility@gmail.com
About the Author: Rotunda Infertility Clinic,IVF Fertility Center in India With aim to provide Patient Friendly,Affordable In Vitro fertilization treatment to Infertile couples around the world.Rotunda Fertility Center will provide Comprehensive Affordable IVF services world class IVF treatment to its patients.Ask the infertility expert at Rotunda Fertility Center for complete medical advice for infertile couples Today.Rotunda Fertility Clinic and Keyhole Surgery Center a chain of well equipped and State-of-the-art IVF fertility infertility centers in the city of Mumbai.
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