Submitted by: Christina/Erik Collins
Energy Deregulation Has Arrived And Is Coming To A State Near You
A Powerful New Way for the Average Joe to Create a Tremendous Six Figure Income.
Energy deregulation has been brought to many U.S. states in order to introduce competition to the energy industry including natural gas and electricity. Customers that live in energy deregulated states have more competitive energy pricing available, offering householders options with their energy supplier and enabling you (the consumer) to shop around instead of simply getting your energy from a sole provider.
A couple of decades ago, having an option to choose your power and gas suppliers were unheard of. Buying your electricity or natural gas from a single company based on where you live was just the way it is. Simple rules of economics and business tell us that when options/supplies are limited while the demand is constant, the price tends to go up. With energy deregulation, it means you have expanded options to choose from, while the demand is the same, and the suppliers now have to compete for their business. That s great news from the consumer standpoint.
But how does this represent an innovative opportunity for you to earn unlimited income? As I just shared earlier, you can get more competitive pricing on energy if you live in deregulated states. This can save you money month after month. But supposing you live elsewhere or the simple savings in not enough? How can you create an amazing income from this unsurpassed change in circumstances? How can you become part of, as Warren Buffet stated, the Largest transfer of wealth in history?
Energy Deregulation = Better Pricing &/or Unlimited Income!
You can do this simply by offering people the option try a new energy provider and saving them money. Gas and electric service is one that people are already paying for. Therefore there is no budgeting it into their financial plan or paying extra money for something they may or may not need!
Grow a solid stream of residual income via energy deregulation.
More and more people trade their hours for dollars, and yet that is a finite way of earning what we all need to live on. What if you get sick for a few days, would you still get paid? Probably, but what about a month or even two? Wouldn t it make more sense to develop a residual income that keeps coming in regardless of whether we choose to work for a day or not?
It certainly would, and this is why we have the opportunity to make the most of deregulation of energy in the U.S. One company only asks that you gather a handful of loyal customers and then just help other people to do the same. You would then earn an ongoing residual income from those customers. The consumer gets better pricing every month, the company gets a new customer and you get a regular income.
It s easy to see that energy deregulation provides a remarkable opportunity for an average person to make an extraordinary change in their lives. With the ability to choose a provider for natural gas and electric suppliers, it s no surprise that the energy deregulation is getting a lot of entrepreneurs very excited. Don t let this chance of a lifetime pass you by!
About the Author: Christina and Erik Collins are the parents of 4 active sons, are the proprietors of a local flower shop and own/operate numerous rental properties in Western New York. In their spare time they run an energy business and help people realize their dreams, achieve financial freedom all while saving money on their gas & electric bills.
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